Non-Combustible Mantels
These beautiful, custom-made, mantels often give the ability to place your mantel closer to the fire insert when compared to traditional mantel materials. (Consult local building codes and fireplace owners manual) This amazing concrete product gives us the ability to make your dreams a reality. From custom shapes and lengths to custom textures and colors, our mantles deliver a one-of-a-kind look to every fireplace.

○Handmade From Non-Combustible Material
○Durable & Lightweight
○Made to Specifications
○Custom Faced and Shaped
○Non-Combustible Mounting System Available
Color Options
CustomRok Pricing
$129 Per Linear Foot
6″ Height or Less
10″ Depth or Less
Additional Depth/Height Option
$4.99 Price Per Linear Foot for Each Additional 1″ of Height or Depth